The following resources are being made available at least initially for teachers to use in support of distance and online learning activities during the COVID-19 school building closure.
Google Hangouts & Google Hangouts Meet
Google Hangouts Instructional Video and Tutorial
Welcome to your first day of Google Hangouts Meet- Teacher Center
How to do Google Hangouts with Students (explanation of Google Calendar and Google Classroom links)
Additional Google Hangouts Meet training video
Using Google to Teach Online
How to Teach Online During a Pandemic Using Google Hangouts Meet
Google Meet for Remote and online learning | Tips and Tricks
more coming...
The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief ("ARP ESSER") Fund requires that each LEA that receives ARP ESSER funds must develop and make publicly available on the LEA's website, a plan for the LEA's use of ARP ESSER funds.
Wyalusing Area School District
11450 Wyalusing New Albany Road
Wyalusing PA 18853
Phone: 570-746-1600
Fax: 570-746-9156