Wyalusing Area School District
Wyalusing Elementary School (Wyalusing Area School District), 11450 Wyalusing New Albany Rd Wyalusing, PA 18853 USA
Tampa Catholic High School

11450 Wyalusing New Albany Road  Wyalusing PA 18853  570-746-1600 Fax: 570-746-9156

A Tradition of Excellence.....Imagine Greatness

Are you interested in knowing your local cyber school option?

Ram Virtual School was established in the spring semester of the 2016-17 school year as a local option for our Wyalusing K-12 students who wanted to enroll in a cyber program but remain a Wyalusing School District student.

What type of courses are offered through Ram Virtual School?


We offer marking period and semester lenth online courses for students in grades K-12.

We offer core academic courses in math, English, science, and social studies. We also offer elective courses in career, art, music, and business.

Who are the course providers?

RVS students are offered a variety of core and elective courses from three online learning providers:

Provider Grade Level Type of Course Rigor Level of Course
Accelerate Education K-12 Core and electives AP courses Foundation Comprehensive Credit Recovery Advanced Placement (AP)
Edison Learning 6-12 Core and electives
Apex 6-12 Core, elective, AP
eDynamic 6-12 Electives
Odysseyware 6-12 Core and electives
Keys to Driving HS 30 hour driver's ed course
Edmentum/Calvert Learning K-5 Core and elective

How many courses will my RVS student be taking?

Full time RVS students are enrolled in the following courses:

  • Math (all year)
  • Science (all year)
  • English (all year)
  • Social Studies (all year)
  • Health (grades 7-12) graduation requirement
  • Entrepreneurship (grade 10) graduation requirement
  • Physical Education (all grade level requirement)
  • Other electives 

Who are the online teachers?

Ram Virtual School teachers are contracted through the online course provider. These contracted online teachers manage and support students in learning and assessment of all components of the online course. 

These online teachers will be the main point of contact for students and parents who have questions about the content of the online course. Online teachers provide office hours, online tutoring, and one-on-one guidance to students through the Ram Virtual School portal. Online teachers make the necessary modifications and adaptations to course content to meet the requirements of a special education student's IEP. Wyalusing teachers are the case managers for students with individualized education programs.

Can RVS students take courses at Wyalusing Elementary School or Wyalusing High School?

Yes, RVS students may choose to take courses in our buildings. In the past, RVS students have attended WVHS to take art, shop, band lessons and other elective courses.

*Transportation to and from Wyalusing Area School District is the responsibility of the parent/student.


What curriculum resources are provided?

Full time RVS students are provided a chromebook, course materials to supplement the online resources (if needed).

Do RVS students take the state assessments (PSSA and Keystone exams)?

Yes, RVS students take the PSSA exams in grades 3-8 and the Keystone exams at the completion of English 10, Biology, and Algebra II. These state assessments are taken by Ram Virtual School students during the designated testing window at each of our buildings.


Is there an attendance requirement in Ram Virtual School?

Yes, daily attendance is taken by a Wyalusing Administrative Assistant to monitor all RVS students' progress toward completing their online courses by the end of each marking period. In order to maintain progress toward completion of the RVS courses, students are expected to work 240 minutes per day on a course schedule set by the parent and/or the student. It is our experience that students who work for 240 minutes per day have the greatest success in online learing.

Students who are not in attendance will be marked absent and an excuse for the student's absense is expected to be submitted to the district. Truancy charges will be filed for students who do not meet the district's attendance policy and the student may be removed from Ram Virtual School.


Do parents have access to their students' online account?

Yes, each parent receives a guardian account when their student is enrolled in Ram Virtual School. The guardian account provides parents with access to their students online learning portal to view their students progress and status in each course.

Can the special education needs of a student be met in Ram Virtual School?

Yes, special education students enrolled in Ram Virtual School have a case manager (Wyalusing Special Education teacher) assigned to them upon enrollment. The case manager monitors the student's progress toward meeting the goals of the Individualized Education Program (IEP). The case manager along with the online teacher support the student while enrolled in RVS to ensure the RVS program is meeting the academic needs of the student.


Is my student a Wyalusing student when enrolled in Ram Virtual School?

Yes, when you choose to enroll your student in Ram Virtual School, your student is a Wyalusing student and is working towards a Wyalusing School District diploma. RVS students have access to the activities, clubs, sports, and field trips that are available to all students who are enrolled at WASD.


Is there a Wyalusing School District Administrator for Ram Virtual School?

Yes, Mr. Adam Rubert has been the administrator of Ram Virtual School since 2023. Mr. Rubert is the primary point of contact for information, enrollment, support services, technology services, and all other questions related to RVS. Mrs. Ms. Angie Miller is the Administrative Assistant to Mr. Rubert for the Ram Virtaul School program and supports all aspects of the program. Mr. Rubert & Ms. Miller are available daily to assist parents and students who are enrolled in Ram Virtual School with concerns related to the program.

When can I enroll my student in Ram Virtual School?

Enrollment in Ram Virtual school begins in early August . The enrollment process begins with the parent calling the Administrative Assistant at 570-746-1600 ext. 3001 to initiate the process. As part of the enrollment process, we examine student attendance and grades as criteria to determine a student's success as an online learner.

Step 1:

If your student is currently a WASD student, their records are migrated into the Ram Virtual School portal and courses are assigned to the student. If your student is new to the school district, school district enrollment paperwork must be completed prior to enrollment in RVS.


Step 2:

Scheduling a 45 minute virtual one-on-one training with the parent and student which is focused on accessing and confirming online courses in the RVS portal and time for student/parent to ask questions. Technology and attendance documents will be distributed prior to the training session.


For more information about Ram Virtual School or to setup a meeting contact:

Adam Rubert

Director of Curriculum and Instructional Technology

570-746-1600 Ext. 3010

Email: arubert@wyalusingrams.com 

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