Community School-Based Behavioral Health Teams, also known as CSBBH services, are voluntary mental health services provided for children and teenagers within the district that suffer from severe emotional or behavioral problems that interfere with their learning. After school and on weekends, the CSBBH team can offer services as needed both within the home and community. The team will work with the child one-on-one, with another child, in a group setting, or with the family in their home or community."
A child must be eligible for state medical assistance in order to qualify for services through the Community School-Based Behavioral Health Team.
Some services include mental health assessments, case management, mental health, and substance abuse screening, individual and group therapy, as well as family therapy.
The CCBH team is available to high school students for this first year of implementation.
The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief ("ARP ESSER") Fund requires that each LEA that receives ARP ESSER funds must develop and make publicly available on the LEA's website, a plan for the LEA's use of ARP ESSER funds.
Wyalusing Area School District
11450 Wyalusing New Albany Road
Wyalusing PA 18853
Phone: 570-746-1600
Fax: 570-746-9156